

I haven’t updated my blog in a few days, and since the obviously-not-as-fascinating-to-others-as-it-was-to-me hamster post didn’t seem to pique anyone’s interest, I will try to write about something less obscure. I went home for Easter weekend to go to one of my best friends from high school’s wedding shower on Saturday. My brother and his girlfriend were going home too, so we made a roadtrip out of it and had fun driving down & back together.

It was fun to see all my girlfriends from high school (whom Craig graciously hangs out with when I’m home, even though we end up talking about high school 75% of the time), and never to be outdone on a holiday by anyone, my best friend’s mom organized an extensive Easter egg hunt complete with lottery tickets inside several eggs. (I won a grand total of $2.) We also dyed about 36 eggs (and my fingertips). Note: the “speckled” eggs do not turn out speckled. Especially if you use red. They end up looking like what would happen if Lady Gaga turned into an egg after her performance of “Paparazzi” on the VMA’s that time.

“Terry bunny” (read: mom) came to see us and gave us Chaco flip flops (yay), and we ate lots o’ turkey. Which is pretty much one of my top 5 favorite foods.

One of my favorite parts, though, was listening to Craig read out loud the Easter story and some other verses that talk about redemption through Christ’s resurrection on the night before Easter. It really gave me a sense of anticipation to celebrate the resurrection the next day. Reading the crucifixion and the time before the resurrection creates such a pit in my stomach, making me want to skip it and get to the resurrection. But I know it was all necessary for our redemption, and when the resurrection is finally here, it makes me celebrate all the more in my heart.

Anyway. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

P.S. I am so thankful for God’s protection throughout all these crazy storms, and I am super ready for summer to come so that the craziness will cease. It seems like all I do lately is watch the weather radar! Maybe that’s because I check it like every 5 minutes. But still. Come onnnn, summer.

Alert the media! [and Lydia's SGF]

Attention world: I have successfully completed a novel. Well, by that I mean I have successfully finished reading a novel. And not just any novel: Pride and Prejudice. That is a legit novel. A classic, if you will. And I finished it right to the very last word. This may not seem like an accomplishment to you, dear reader, but to me reading a book from cover to cover is rare. I always start reading them, get distracted and forget to come back to it. But this year one of my goals was to read two books. Yes, two. Bite-sized goals here, people. 9-5 jobs are not conducive to afternoon reads in the park. But then when you accomplish these bite-sized goals you can say, “Hooray! I accomplished my goal!” Instead of, “Aw man, I knew 4 books a day was too ambitious.” So, there you have it. And okay, I may have started this book in January but..the point is I finished it.

Big thanks to my dear friend [and English major] Nicole for lending me a good book to read.

I feel accomplished. Also I will finally be able to say I have read Pride and Prejudice, which apparently every other girl my age has read and loves. Now I can say that I do, too. Even though I thought it was a little anticlimactic, I still enjoyed it. And you feel smart for reading (and comprehending) it because the language is so formal.

P.S. I think Lydia needed a Sassy Gay Friend. Yes? (see this video if you don’t know what I am referring to.) I think it would have gone down like this:

SGF: What, What, What are you doing?? Lydia: [giggle] I’m going off in secret with a man I barely know in the hopes that he will end up marrying me whilst simultaneously bringing shame upon my family! Isn’t that just grand? I laugh just thinking about how the others will react! [giggle] SGF: First of all, gag. Second of all, you have got a lot more going for you than that giggle, young lady! You need to respect yourself and your family and stop throwing yourself at army men! Lydia: But I know not what else to find pleasure in! I love men! My whole life is centered around getting married! SGF: Girlfriend, you have got to know when to hike up your petticoat and get. a. job. You don’t need a man! You need some self-esteem. Lydia: A…job? A woman…working? SGF: Girl get with the victorian times! You are a strong, powerful woman. Now get out there and find some self worth! Lydia: Okay! I will! SGF: Good for youuu! [to the camera] She’s a stupid —- —-. (I can’t in good conscience type that on my blog, but if you’ve seen the videos you know what he should say there.)