New Houses, Bunny Pictures and Bachelorette Podcasts

Hello, friends. That sounded creepy. Let me start again.

Sup, guys.

I'm just gonna move on.

So this week I have been working my little tail off after work each night to pack up all of our stuff and gradually move it over to our new house, as well as paint and get our new house ready to receive said stuff. It's all very exciting but very exhausting. My husband has been out of town on a gig this week, so I've spent a lot of quality time talking to my cat in between taking loads over. Like I said, it's all very exciting.

All this to say, I realized this morning that I had been so busy slathering paint on the walls of our guest room and packing up our pantry (a.k.a. throwing away graham crackers from 2008) that I totally whiffed on writing a post for you today.

I KNOW. The worst. Pretend I said something witty about Kimye or heartfelt about James Gandolfini, because those are really the only things that happened this week.

So in order to help you waste the same amount of time (or more) you normally would reading this blog of mine, please enjoy the following:

1) I got to fill in for Jamie on the Xtra Bacon Bachelorette Podcast Recap this week. It was a lot of fun. We lament the lack of Juan Pablo, discuss Brad's awfulness and the 40 minute Red Cross plug featuring Hootie. Click here to listen!

2) This interview Russell Brand did with MSNBC which only served to make him look fantastic and charming and make them look like buffoons.

3) This picture of a bunny wearing bunny slippers.

Have a wonderful weekend and I will be back with something real for you to read on Tuesday. Promise.

QUESTION: What do you think is the worst part about moving? Alternatively, tell me a story about the last (or worst) time you moved.